Tuesday was dedicated to literacy, and there was a lot of paperback love shown throughout the day! If you didn't get a chance to participate yet, check out your local libraries and bookstores for inexpensive used books that could be donated to a classroom of your choice. Teachers are always building their libraries, and children will benefit from a variety of texts being available in their classrooms. There is no "due date" for these service projects. Participate as you can, when you can!

Today is focused on preparing Care Kits which will be given to people who are homeless or living in poverty. These kits can contain whatever you feel is important! In the bags we have assembled so far, we have things like toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, razors, shaving cream, deodorant, Q-tips, bandaids, chapstick, hand sanitizer, and hand lotion. We've also included granola bars and hand written cards in each bag. Write out a thoughtful, caring message to someone that will let them know someone is thinking about them.  Share your favorite story with them, a prayer, a bible verse, an affirmation, quotation or mantra you feel connected to. We all crave human interaction and we all need love to survive.

These kits can be passed out individually when you see a person in need, or they can be delivered to a shelter for an organization to distribute. Keep a couple in your car for the next time you're driving around and see a person in need.

Tomorrow is the day to visit a local nursing home facility and deliver thoughtful holiday cards to the residents!
Be sure to send a picture of the Care Kits you assemble and the cards you decorated and delivered. :)

Lots of love and good luck to those of you studying for finals! xx

What an amazing start to the month already!! :)

So many creative and wonderful stories are being shared, especially about paying it forward!

A family member said that she paid it forward again today at Starbucks, and the barista was so overwhelmed!! She said it had happened several times this morning and was so excited to have witnessed all of it (amazing story Venus!) The spirit travels quickly. :) Keep on spreading the cheer throughout your communities! Others are surely feeling the warmth already. :) Our impact is incredible.

Update: Over 20 inches of hair (3 ponytails!) were donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths!
It takes at least 8 ponytails to make a wig and we came up with 37% of one! This movement is one of the largest and only programs that donates FREE wigs to women fighting cancer, and it is exciting to be a part of it.

Tomorrow is dedicated to literacy! Check out your local libraries and bookstores for inexpensive used and/or new books that you can donate to a classroom! You can also recycle some of your own books that might be collecting dust in your childhood room (or in the garage because your mom tried to sell them in a garage sale- I didn't allow it because I obviously need ALL of my Judy Blume books forever). If you're interested in making a donation and aren't sure where to donate, hang on to your books and send me an email. I'll hook you up with a classroom to get connected with. :)

Lots of love to all of you! xx

The Saturday after Thanksgiving has been deemed "Small Business Saturday," and it is growing significantly! Small Business Saturday was created in response to the record-breaking sales reached on Black Friday over the years. In an effort to bring some of the holiday traffic local, many small businesses will be participating by lowering prices and offering special promotions as a way to invite local community members inside their businesses.
SBS is a day for holiday shoppers to commit to shopping local in order to support their local community. By shopping local (today and every day), we are supporting local business owners, the people they hire and the services they provide. Shopping local means supporting neighbors and friends, receiving personalized service, and even some holiday deals on this SBS!

Not sure where to shop? Use this link to locate small businesses in your area!

It was so exciting to see the members of MSU March of Dimes involved in one of our service projects. MSU MOD has generously offered to sponsor some of the events, and the first thing we were able to do together was organize materials for children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Sparrow and Beaumont Hospitals.

Some of the money raised from the MSU MOD Fall 5K was spent on crayons, markers, coloring books and plastic bags. Members put coloring book pages, crayons, candy canes and cards into the bags for the children. Each member made holiday cards with well wishes inside, and each card was individually signed by our members with love.
In one meeting, we assembled over 30 bags to give to the children in the PICU! We hope that these activity packets give children something to take their minds off their illnesses and brighten up their holiday season a little bit. Here is a picture of the girls working hard on making cards and packing bags! Thank you all for working so hard and raising the money to support this project! :)

The support this project has received so far is incredible, and it is exciting to see the support grow even stronger! People are so excited to be involved in their community, which is what this project is all about! :)

Love transcends all ages, races, genders, and socioeconomic statuses. Peace on earth begins when we share the love in our hearts, because that is the one thing all people need to survive. Let us enter our communities willing to give as much love as we can, and also receive it from the people we interact with. Let us all open our minds to new perspectives as we interact within the community.

As we approach the month of December, keep on sharing!! :)
We can do so much more when we support each other in our efforts to create stronger communities.

Keep checking the website and the blog for updates.
The support is very much appreciated!
Love and blessings.