Tuesday was dedicated to literacy, and there was a lot of paperback love shown throughout the day! If you didn't get a chance to participate yet, check out your local libraries and bookstores for inexpensive used books that could be donated to a classroom of your choice. Teachers are always building their libraries, and children will benefit from a variety of texts being available in their classrooms. There is no "due date" for these service projects. Participate as you can, when you can!

Today is focused on preparing Care Kits which will be given to people who are homeless or living in poverty. These kits can contain whatever you feel is important! In the bags we have assembled so far, we have things like toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, razors, shaving cream, deodorant, Q-tips, bandaids, chapstick, hand sanitizer, and hand lotion. We've also included granola bars and hand written cards in each bag. Write out a thoughtful, caring message to someone that will let them know someone is thinking about them.  Share your favorite story with them, a prayer, a bible verse, an affirmation, quotation or mantra you feel connected to. We all crave human interaction and we all need love to survive.

These kits can be passed out individually when you see a person in need, or they can be delivered to a shelter for an organization to distribute. Keep a couple in your car for the next time you're driving around and see a person in need.

Tomorrow is the day to visit a local nursing home facility and deliver thoughtful holiday cards to the residents!
Be sure to send a picture of the Care Kits you assemble and the cards you decorated and delivered. :)

Lots of love and good luck to those of you studying for finals! xx

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